by Mellody Walburn
Members of the Cal-houn County Historical Society met on Monday, Aug. 6, to change the window displays at the museum in Grantsville.

The bridal finery show-cased this summer was replaced by a riverboat display in one window and a display of items donated by the Hathaway Family in the other.
President Bob Bonar led the society’s monthly meeting on Thursday, Aug. 9, at 6 p.m. in the museum. Members dis-cussed the past month’s events and began to plan for fall and winter activi-ties.
One of the activities mentioned was the work being done on the Stemple Cabin at Heritage Village in Calhoun County Park.
A new back porch with a tin roof has been added, thanks to Bob Bonar, Roger Jarvis, Gregg Probasco, Steve White, Steven White and Jared White.
The next meeting of the historical society will be held on Thursday, Sept. 13, at 6 p.m. in the museum.