Grantsville town council held its 4 p.m. Monday meeting in its new offices in the former bank building on Main Street.

Mayor Ron Blanken-ship informed the council that he has not had any recent discussions with potential renters of space in the new facility, but he was expecting some communications soon.
He also said that he does not yet have a time frame for demolition of the former Rainbow Hotel building.
Council member Cheryl Cheesbrew reported that she had researched the town’s ordinances, and found that several owners are not keeping their property in a “clean and suitable manner.”
The mayor reported on several ongoing clean-up projects, but said that some of the properties are outside of the town limits.
He also expressed hope that the State would soon start on pothole repairs.
Council member Linda Jarvis, reading from a newspaper article, said that the Town of Grants-ville, or perhaps some volunteers, could take advantage of the Make It Shine
Statewide Cleanup program to help with property cleanup.
The program, spon-sored by W.Va. Dept. of Environmental Protection, provides resources, such as cleaning materials, waste hauling and landfill fees, to community groups volunteering to conduct litter cleanups on state streams or public lands.
The application dead-line is Friday for the cleanup that is scheduled during the first two weeks of April.
Council approved a resolution, “Water System Improvements Projects,” that amended conditions dated Aug. 6, 2018.
It includes a USDA Rural Development loan of $1,768,000, a reduced Rural Development grant of $1,400,000, and other funding of $1,000,000, for a total project cost of $4,168,00.
The “other funding” is planned in the form of a grant from Appalachian Regional Commission.
Budgeted costs include: $2,853,700, construction; $242,470, construction contingency; $71,330, project contingency; $432,000, engineering fees; $568,500, interest, refinance, legal fees, etc.
Council entered into an executive session to discuss rental property at 4:24, reconvening in regular session at 5:25, and adjourning at 5:29.
Others present included council member Dorothy McCauley and recorder Elizabeth Stirling.
Next regular session will be held on Apr. 1.