The community of Elizabeth turned out on Monday to help welcome new Calhoun Banks branch manager Regina Jones with a Meet & Greet.

Residents stopped by to welcome Jones, along with CEO Martha Haymaker and mayor Bobbi Moore.
Moore said, “Calhoun Banks has done a lot for our community over the years and we hope to see them continue to do that. Our community is growing strong. We’ve had a lot of positives in the last few months and we hope to see that continue.”
Jones is a graduate of Parkersburg South High School, with a masters degree from West Virginia University.
She resides in the Lubeck/Parkersburg area and has been married for over 20 years with a 17-year-old son who will graduate in the spring.
Jones has approxi-mately 10 years of banking management experience. Her first day with Calhoun Banks was June 25, and she started in Elizabeth on July 20.
“My goal is for Cal-houn Banks to be a big part of the Wirt County area and service the community in the best way possible,” said Jones.
Calhoun Banks has been a part of the Eliza-beth community for over 22 years, and hopes to broaden its involve-ment.
“We are delighted to welcome Regina as our branch manager, and we wish her great success,” said Haymaker.