Arnoldsburg Elemen-tary School principal Charles Thomas and Calhoun County Schools nurse Trudi Anderson have been presented with “Stop the Bleed” kits by Louisa Chapel pastor Shelly Mace and Grantsville Fire Dept. representatives Judy Brannon and Janet Gherke.
Anderson said, “It is with great appreciation that we accept these donations from these two community organizations. It is our hope that we may never need to put them to use, but it is reassuring that we have them in place should the need for them arise.
“Our staff has been trained, and in the event of any incident, the kit can be used for a potentially lifesaving situation.”
Through a fundraiser by Grantsville Volunteer Fire Department, dona-tions from Dominion, local churches, Calhoun Banks, and others, kits were purchased for all schools in Calhoun County.
Pleasant Hill School principal Amy Nicholas said that Anderson was instrumental in arranging training for Pleasant Hill staff: “In the event of an incident, staff members are prepared to use the kits for a potentially life-saving situation.”
For information about Stop the Bleed, call 354-6148, ext. 219, or visit www.dhs.gov/stop thebleed.