By Makayla Smith,
Community Coordinator for Energy Express
The second week of Summer Boost Express was “Family Week.”
The mentors read, “Is your Mama a Llama?” and “Chalk Box Kid,” as their take home books.
To celebrate family week, the classes painted their own family trees.
In writing, children wrote about their favorite family vacations or their favorite things to do with their family.
In art, the kids created paper airplanes and had a competition to see whose would fly the farthest. Other classes painted class family portraits.
Special guests were Lora Davis and Richard Postalwait of the magistrate offices, who volunteered to read to the children.
During the afternoon’s Save the Children pro-gram, students worked on their multiplication and fraction skills in math.
In reading, they con-tinued to challenge and improve their reading abilities. In science, the children got to make fossils out of salt dough and experiment with robots.
In nutrition, Nancy Bremar and Tina Persinger made another appearance, bringing beet dip for the children to taste and produce to take home, and learned about the benefits of eating healthy.
There will be an Open House for Summer Boost Express at Arnoldsburg Elementary on Friday, July 13, at 10 a.m. All families of Summer Boost Express children are welcome. Each class will perform a skit/play for their families and will be able to eat lunch together.
Details were announced about two field trips.
The first will take place on Friday, July 20, when students will travel to the Clay Center, Charleston. The children will leave around 12:30 p.m. and return about 6:30. If parents are picking their child up, they should aim to be at Arnoldsburg at this time.
The next trip will be to North Bend State Park on Tuesday, July 24. Buses leave at 12:30 p.m. and return at about 7:30.