Public Invited To Use After School Hours

The walking track at Pleasant Hill School received a new blacktop surface in June, thanks to the fundraising efforts of the Track Renovation Committee that was formed in August, 2017.
According to school officials, students now have a safe place to walk and run during recess and physical education classes, and they are already enjoying it.
The public is invited to use the track after school hours.
Through grant writing efforts, a mailing cam-paign, and a barbecue din-ner, enough money was collected to complete the project.
Officials expressed thanks to the following donors for helping reach the goal:
Sisters Health Foun-dation grant, Calhoun Banks, Brooksville Bap-tist Church, Ray Holbert, Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, Blessed Hope Baptist Church, Stump Funeral Home, Von Yoak, Patsy Kisner, John Queen, Nancy Taylor, Bonnie Sands, Joyce Queen-White, Mag-gie Bennett, Doris Week-ley, Jim Yeager, Kelli Whytsell, Linda Vanhorn, Kathy Wood, Carrol Dye, Robert Bonar, Linda Edwards, Rebecca Miller, Bessie Welch, Bette Ritchie, Lee and Phyllis Evans, Fred Hannah, Dotti Nemitz, Vicki Hardway, Jackie Collins-Frail, Jane Carpenter, Judy Prusack, and all who attended the dinner and gave generous donations.
Renovation committee members are Larry Stinn, Brenda Wilson, Amy Nicholas, Jan Whited, Sarah Tingler, Jim Sullivan and Lori Parsons.
According to school officials, “Now that phase one of the walking track is complete, we will move into phase two of our fundraising efforts, in order to provide lighting for the track.
We have received a donation from Calhoun Banks toward this, and we are in the process of applying for another grant.”
To help reach the goal, contact PHS, 354-6022, or mail donations to PHS, 3254 N. Calhoun High-way, Grantsville, WV 26147.