On Wednesday, Apr. 11, Minnie Hamilton Health System sponsored a flag raising ceremony to recognize National Donate Life Month.
Organ recipients Kason Hupp and Mike Yoak were also recognized.
Minnie Hamilton has joined with the Center for Organ Recovery & Education (CORE) in the Workplace Partnership for Life Hospital Organ Donation Campaign, sponsored by Division of Transplantation, Health Resources and Services Administration, and U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.
The campaign chal-lenges hospitals to edu-cate employees and their communities about the crucial need for organ, eye, and tissue donation, and provide them with opportunities to sign up as donors.
The following is an inspiring story from a local recipient:
“I was diagnosed in high school with an un-known liver disease. According to my doctors, life expectancy was to about age 23 for me; however, I made it until age 32, and within a few months my liver shut down.
“The beginning of October, my family had to feed, clothe, and bathe me. I couldn’t even walk. The day of my appointment in Pittsburgh, I crashed. When I woke up two weeks later, I had a new liver.
“Today, because of a very special person, I have been given a second chance at life. Because of my donor, I have been able to watch my Dani perform on stage, adopt a boy and girl who keep me on my toes, and recently the biggest miracle, give birth to an adorable baby boy.
“I live for not only myself, but also my donor. God has blessed me so much.” –Tonya Cunningham, Grantsville.
“We encourage you to join our campaign in creating awareness and increasing donations. If you would like information on how to become a donor, please contact Sandra Ellis or Brittany Frymier, 354-9244, or visit organdonor.org to register,” said Barb McKown.