Superintendent Kelli Whytsell recognized the efforts of several indivi-duals during Monday’s 5:30 p.m. school board meeting.
Whytsell said of Trudi Anderson’s efforts to ob-tain a grant: “The W.Va. Dept. of Education and W.Va. State Oral Health Program awarded Calhoun County an $8,500 Oral Health Grant for 2017-18. We are very excited about this grant and thank you, Mrs. Anderson, for your part in helping Calhoun County lead the state as Dental Health Champions for the children of West Virginia.”
The superintendent also expressed thanks to Del. Roger Hanshaw and Jonathan and Virginia McCormick for their work with the Technology Student Association (TSA) program.
In March, five students attended the TSA State Conference in Ripley, and three qualified to attend the national convention in Atlanta, Ga., in June.
Christeena Craddock, Pepper McCormick and Lindsey Schoolcraft placed second in inven-tions and innovations, while Craddock and McCormick were first in forensic technology, and McCormick was first in promotional marketing.
Nicholas Rubel partici-pated in prepared speech, and Rubel and Craddock were entered in problem solving.
Whytsell also recog-nized the efforts of the National History competi-tors. Megan Harding, Jenna Milliron, Destiney Murphy, Destiny Wager and Jaelyn Jett qualified for national competition at University of Maryland (see front page story and photo in last week’s issue).
Board member Jenna Jett reported that RESA 5’s last day would be June 29.
COO of Administra-tive Services Nathan Haynes reported that a school safety meeting with State Police, principals and Central office staff has been re-scheduled for Wednesday, Apr. 25.
Other items approved:
–Home school re-quests: parent Thomas Resko, 2nd grade; parent Angela Powell, 9th grade; parent Donna Rexroad, 12th grade.
–Calendar conver-sions: Friday, June 1, preparation day to full instructional day; Mon-day, June 4, teacher-pupil-parent day to full instructional day (last day for students); Tuesday, June 5, out of calendar to preparation day; out of calendar to teacher-pupil-parent day.
–2018-19 school calen-dar adoption (calendar A), awaiting state approval.
–Professional learning center dates (2018-19), noon dismissals: Aug. 22, Sept. 19, Dec. 12, Jan. 30, Mar. 20.
Personnel items:
–Employee requested personnel hearing, Vicki Jones.
–Proposed for transfer or to be transferred, ser-vice, Marisha Collins, Vicki Jones.
–Proposed reduction in force, professional, Lee Anne Kimble.
–Reassignment agree-ments, Brandi Richards, Norma Randall-Myers; resignation, Quincy Potas-nik, substitute teacher.
–Employment, profes-sional: Gary Knight, Virginia Judy, Sharon Pitts, substitute teachers.
Summer school Boost: Kristie Ritchie, teacher/ coordinator; Robert Golinsky, site supervisor; Makayla Smith, Adrianne Shimer, Autumn Jones, Miranda Farmer, Brandi Whited, Kenneth Dawson, Cole Ritchie, mentors.
–Summer school: Mari-sha Collins, cook; Garalea Elswick, substitute cook; Frank Bever, Kenneth McCumbers, bus driver/custodians; Robert Lewis, Timothy Abel, substitute bus driver/custodian.
–Service, Saundra Ballengee, substitute bus operator.
–Probationary con-tracts:
Professional, Scott Clarkson, Amy Cottrell, Katie Hamm, Katelyn Hardway, Joshua John-son, Paul Miller, Emily Ramezan, Paige Ray, Jen-nifer Sang, Lori Taylor.
Service, Donna Hall, Gregory Hawkins, Mi-chele Hipp, Vicki Jones, Cindy Knight, Sierra Mc-Cormick, Kandas Smith, Johnny Stull, Kristy Toney, Stacey Wagoner.
–Continuing contracts:
Professional, Sarah Lane, Deborah Toppings, Loretta Whytsell.
Service, Eric School-craft.
–Probationary con-tracts: Administrative, Nathan Haynes, Andrew Metheney.
–Continuing con-tracts: Anita Stephenson.
Transportation re-quests: Kings Island, Mason, Ohio, May 4, Senior Class trip, Lori Taylor, chartered bus; Kennywood, Pa., May 16, 4th grade end of year trip, AES, Kelley Sampson, one bus; Atlanta, Ga., June 21-26, Technology Student Association national con-ference, Jonathan and Virginia McCormick, personal vehicles.
The meeting recessed at 6:47 p.m. for an executive session on a personnel hearing and for expulsion hearings 2017-18-13, 2017-18-14 and 2017-18-15, and expulsion hearing reviews 2017-18-04, 2017-18-03 and 2017-18-05.
After reconvening, the meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m.
Future meetings:
Tuesday, Apr. 24, 5 p.m., special Local School Improvement Committee, Calhoun-Gilmer Career Center;
Monday, May 14, 5:30 p.m., regular meeting at Mt. Zion board office;
Thursday, May 24, 5:30 p.m., special budget meeting, board office.