Molasses Festival
Parade Marshal
Charles Thomas has been chosen as the 2018 Molasses Festival parade marshal.
He has been the principal at Arnoldsburg Elementary for three years. He came to the county in 1985 as a teacher of math to 4th-7th graders at Minnora Elementary. He was transferred to Arnoldsburg Elementary during the consolida-tion of the two schools. He has also taught first and third grades, and was the academic coach and program coordinator for Save the Children.
He is involved in the com-munity, and established West Fork Mountaineers 4-H Club and is Scoutmaster of Arnoldsburg Boy Scout Troop 430.
He was instrumental in developing the greenhouse project at Arnoldsburg Elementary and assisting the community liaison coordinator with the community gardens project. He is a member of Word of Faith Fel-lowship Church, Spencer.
He is the son of Joseph and Melanie Thomas of Bridgeport.
He resides at Chloe with his wife, Earlene Crawford Thomas, the daughter of the late Earl and Beulah Crawford, formerly of Grantsville. Together, they have five children, Emily Wagoner of Morgantown, Joseph Thomas of Fairmont, and Dana Ferrell, Bryan Jarvis and Travis Thomas, all of Chloe, and three grandchildren, Melanie Ferrell of Chloe and Lorelei and Paul Wagoner of Morgantown.